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The Application Process

To submit your proposal, please follow the steps below. We recommend that you review our investment criteria, as these will address many of the questions you may have regarding whether Social Impact Partners is a suitable match for your organisation. Due to the volume of applications, we regret that we can only respond to submissions of interest.





Review our
investment criteria
Create your
executive summary
Submit your

STEP 1 – Review Our Investment Criteria

What SIP is looking for:
1. Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Your organisation should have a clear vision and mission that contributes to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and/or SDG 13 (Climate Action) within Hong Kong.

2. Proven Revenue Model: Your organisation must demonstrate a viable revenue model, indicating that there is market buy-in and the potential for scalability.

What SIP can offer:

STEP 2 – Create Your Executive Summary

Please provide an executive summary of no more than three pages, addressing the key questions below.


1. General Information

  • Name of organisation

  • Contact person and contact information

  • Website

2. Social Issue

  • What key social issues are you addressing? 

  • What is the scale of the issues? 


3. Solutions

  • What strategy or product do you use to address this problem and achieve your social mission?

  • Are there any success stories you can share?


4. Business model

  • What are your revenue streams? 

  • How do you ensure financial sustainability

5. About your organisation

  • What is the current size of the organisation (e.g., governance structure, number of staff members)?

6. Investment Details

  • Investment Amount requested from SIP?

  • How are you planning to use this fund?

STEP 3 – Submit Your Application

After reviewing our investment criteria and determining that your organisation aligns with our requirements, please submit your Executive Summary to

Size of Investment

Investment Period

Value Add

HKD 0.5 to 3 million

1 to 5 years

Due diligence exercises
Connections to a network with like-minded organisations and individuals
Business expansion support
Professional knowledge sharing 
Communications support
Impact assessment support

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