SIP提供共六百萬港元信貸予喵坊Mil Mill 冀推動香港廢料回收行業 促循環經濟發展

Social Impact Partners (SIP) today announced its investment of HKD 6 million to support the further development of Mil Mill, a paper pulp factory operated by waste recycler Secure Information Disposal Services Limited (SSID). SIP led the investment with HKD 3 million, and successfully attracted a local family office to invest an equal amount through SIP, resulting in a total investment of HKD 6 million aimed at supporting Mil Mill's continued contribution to addressing environmental and climate change issues in Hong Kong. Mil Mill plans to utilize the funding to upgrade its factory equipment and introduce new recycling technologies. With a focus on innovation, Mil Mill also plans to expand its recycling business to other fiber-related waste materials such as textiles, further enhancing waste reduction in Hong Kong and consolidating its pioneering position in the local industry.


此次投資決策經由 SIP 合作夥伴進行盡職調查,包括美邦香港律師事務所(法律審查);羅兵咸永道(財務及 ESG 審查),以及億康先達(人力資源審查)。



關於Social Impact Partners

Social Impact Partners (SIP) is a charitable organization with a mission to promote the sustainable development of Social Purpose Organizations (SPOs). SIP applies an investment mindset and uses private sector investment tools to tailor development programs for SPOs, helping them enhance their business maturity. SIP employs various approaches, including donations, loans, and equity, to meet the needs of SPOs, with the capital being recycled into the next SPO funding initiative.


資訊機密處理有限公司 (“SSID”) 於2009年由數名紙業專業人員成立,願景是建立紙張的循環經濟。公司於成立初期專注於辦公室廢紙回收,致力提供安全可靠的機密文件銷毀處理服務,其後更涉足綜合廢物管理及顧問服務,協助多家上市企業按《環境、社會及管治報告指引》改善措施及完成相關報告。SSID目前已服務以千計的客户,行業涵蓋金融、法律、會計等專業,亦得到不同組織及各教育機構的支持與信賴。SSID於2019年設立香港首間紙包飲品盒回收漿廠–喵坊 Mil Mill及紙包盒可持續發展教育中心,專門處理紙包飲品盒或其他複合紙品,製成再生紙漿。

